Monday, September 7, 2009

A Little Stumble, But Not A Fall... And An Invitation

Well, this was a tough week for me. I was tired and cranky... and I gained a pound. I knew I would reach a plateau, I just didn't think it would come so soon. I also know I made a couple of mistakes this week... like not drinking nearly enough water, and eating fruit (a big no no right now). So, now I've just got to keep my chin up and renew my efforts, and stick to the plan precisely. I'm also planning to add some walking and weight training this week, so I'm hoping that will kick things up again. Overall, a pretty disappointing weigh-in this morning, but I guess I have to keep in mind that I am still ahead of my goal for the third week (goal was 6 - 9 pounds, I'm at 17). Just have to be patient and consistent, and it will all come off eventually.

So many of you have asked me about the program I am using, and have expressed a desire to also lose weight and get healthy. I'm very excited about the success I've seen so far (despite my off week). So, it just so happens that my friend who introduced me to the Take Shape For Life program is going to be in Atlanta this weekend for a seminar. He has agreed to have a little informational meeting at my home Saturday night to tell anyone who is interested about the program. I'll have samples of the foods that I've been eating available for you to taste so you know what it's like. This is not a sales pitch. This is a no-pressure, no obligation, friends getting together to reach a common goal kind of situation. I just feel so pleased with this program, and I'm interested in helping others do what I'm doing. I really feel passionate about this, and I just want to share my enthusiasm. If you want to join me on my journey, just give me a call or send me an email and I'll let you know the when's and the where's!

Meanwhile, please continue to pray for me and cheer me on. This is going to be a long, difficult journey. I'm off to a decent start, but I have so far to go. Thanks for hanging in here with me.

No photo update this week for obvious reasons... but I fully expect to have an awesome new pic for the blog next Monday!


  1. You are doing great… gaining 1 pound is minor! And once you tag on the exercise, you'll feel so much more energized and happy with yourself because you do what a lot of us can't do… exercise on a consistent schedule. Keep up the good work! We're cheering you on in the Bird household!!!

  2. You're looking AMAZING!! I don't think I've really "seen" you since you started losing... I was blown away when I saw you walk into the chapel yesterday! Wow.

    And a 1 pound gain is nothing! I know from experience it's discouraging, but it will come off.

    Keep up the awesome work!

  3. Do you want me to send Perry and Jackson for you to chase around? That's a good 5-10 pounds off right there! Keep up the good work and hang in there!

  4. Yea,don't fret over the pound. You'll like the weight training. It has made a big difference for me. Way to go!!!

  5. I am so happy for you and this great program you have found Lora! You are looking great and I know you are motivated. Don't worry about the tiny setback! Take advantage of the nice weather and get out doors as much as possible, that should help. Good luck!! :)

  6. Good job Laura! You look amazing already!!! It's so exciting to loose weight and I can tell you've caught the vision. I KNOW you can do it. I am sooo happy for you! Every time you feel like eating something you shouldn't just tell yourself, "NOTHING taste as good as SKINNY!" You go ALL THE WAY girl! :)

  7. I'm so bummed to be so far away, but my encouragement is still there. Keep it up and let your frustration turn to motivation. I don't like it when people tell me I can't do something (you remember probably) and it fires me up to prove them wrong! You tell that scale to take a hike! You go!
